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COVID-19 Small Business Action Checklist

Note: The following information was accurate as of the date it was published. Some of the information may no longer apply.

We understand this is a time of uncertainty and fear for many small business owners.The COVID-19 health crisis has created unprecedented situations for small businesses nationwide.

Every day, there’s a new financial question or concern.

But we also know that we’ve weathered other storms before — together — and that we’ll do the same this time

We’ve created the following checklist as a way to help you navigate some of the uncertainty. Download the toolkit for free.mockup of the covid-19 small business toolkit

Obviously, this isn’t a comprehensive list, and the situation is changing minute by minute. But we hope this guide will give you a place to start and help you consider some options you might not have thought about as you hurried to put plans in place.

As always, if you run into a situation not covered here, please let us know. We’re always here for you to help you find solutions to your most trying concerns.

Stay safe, and take care of yourself and your loved ones. We’ll get through this together!