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Zach Van Sambeek


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Photo of Zach Van Sambeek

Zach Van Sambeek is a Certified Public Accountant, Certified Valuation Analyst, and Personal Financial Specialist who has been with Casey Peterson, LTD since 2015. The Hermosa, South Dakota, native earned his professional accountancy and economics and finance degrees from Black Hills State University.

With his expertise in real estate and business transactions as well as ag taxation, Zach enjoys helping clients navigate financial complexities. He guides business owners through successions and assists large corporations with tax and financial reporting. Zach’s expertise extends to estate, retirement, and wealth management planning.

Zach is a member of AICPA, South Dakota CPA Society, and National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts.

Outside of work, Zach enjoys golfing, spending time with family, and contributing to the family ranch.

College Attended: Black Hills State University
Degrees and Certifications: Bachelor of Science specializing in Economics and Finance and also a degree in Professional Accountancy
CPA: Yes
Month and year started with the firm: August 2015
Departments & Specialties: Corporate Tax, Acquisition and Exit Planning, Agricultural Tax, and Business Valuation
Favorite Food: IRS Publication 17