Tired of paying your accountant for a simple tax return? The IRS might have just the thing. Provided you live in the right state.

The IRS is testing a program in 2024 that will allow taxpayers to prep and file their taxes directly with the agency. All without having to use a third-party tax provider.

South Dakota and Wyoming are part of the pilot program.

The service will be mobile-friendly and available in English and Spanish. It’ll also let taxpayers tell the IRS what language and accessibility options they prefer for written communications with the agency.

The IRS recently said it should be able to handle income reported from sources like Form W-2 wages, Social Security and railroad retirement income, unemployment compensation, and interest less than $1,500.

Taxpayers can also claim the standard deduction, earned income tax credit, child tax credit, and credit for other dependents. Other write-offs include student loan interest and educator expenses.

The agency said it’ll share the results from the program after tax season. It’ll also evaluate the platform’s technology for desktops and mobile devices. And it will examine state integration, customer support, and fraud detection before making the platform available to everyone.

Other states taking part in the pilot program include Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Massachusetts, New York, New Hampshire, Nevada, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington. All states had the chance to take part but not all could.

Let us know if you have questions about tax preparation.