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Nonprofit Accounting Services

How Can We Help Your Nonprofit?

Nonprofits put people and their communities first. That’s why you deserve a nonprofit accounting firm that does the same. Casey Peterson, LTD has an entire team of nonprofit CPAs, accountants, advisors, and experts dedicated to serving these vital organizations.

You serve your community.
We serve you.

The complexities related to running a nonprofit grow every year. Regulations change, as do the needs of those you serve. You need a nonprofit accounting firm that understands what you’re facing and offers financial management and strategic planning services to help you meet those challenges.

Number People Who Put People First

Fundraising, training, organizing events, strategizing … Nonprofits teams do it all, often with limited budgets. That’s where we come in. Our nonprofit CPAs and accountants can help with the financial aspects related to audit, compliance, and taxes. We can also train executives and employees when it comes to accounting software for nonprofits.

Appreciate how much they enjoy partnering with me as a trust officer and helping our clients with their tax needs. Always with a willing attitude and positive approach.
Kalynn S.

Work with Experts Who Care

Not only do our nonprofit CPAs and accountants have thousands of hours of training and decades of experience, but they also take time to volunteer with nonprofits in our area. Partner with experts who have first-hand knowledge of the challenges facing nonprofits.

We provide the following services for nonprofits

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Casey Peterson, LTD